Barry Kohlus
West Coast Leader of the Month | March 2021
Area Manager
Houston, TX
I would like to nominate Barry for the exemplary leadership he has shown this month. Houston faced a winter storm that severely impacted residents and his first thought to be prepared for this was OUR SAFETY. He told us to stay home, and he stayed in a hotel close to the five locations he oversees.
I cannot express within the limits of this short description all the attributes that Barry possesses to qualify his nomination. If I had to distill the description to its essence, it would include those tangibles: intelligence, vision, tact, diplomacy, leadership, decisiveness and responsibility. However, of greater importance would be the list of intangibles that make up the fabric of a true leader of any organization: caring, respect, humility, commitment, dedication, humor, honesty, integrity, empathy, transparency, hard work and resiliency.
And most importantly. he always sees the good side of people and encourages other staff members to do the same. Barry has an open-door policy and has time for everyone who comes to his door and he works tirelessly well beyond a normal work week.
Submitted by Esleyra Tamez