Bishme Sheppard
East Coast Rock Star of the Month | July 2022
New Haven, CT
On Monday June20th, at around 1am, Bishme was cleaning the roof top of the 2 Howe Garage, when he noticed a women on the 6th floor. She was sitting on the edge of the roof so he approached her and inquired if anything was wrong. She told him to stay away, not to call the police and to keep his hands on the ledge where she could see them. For the next five hours, Bishme stood there, talking to the young lady about all aspects of life and keeping her calm. He told her stories about his life and listened to her stories about hers, all while keeping her calm. Around 6 AM in the morning a Hospital employee drove up to the roof to park their vehicle. He noticed the lady sitting at the edge of the roof and approached. She told him to take his car and park somewhere else. The parker called the police and within minutes the road was closed. A negotiator for the NHPD was called and was on the roof by 7am. At this point, the New Haven PD released Bishme and he contacted his supervisor and family who were concerned regarding his whereabouts. Within 15 minutes the Police were able to get the woman down and into the hospital safely. They were able to change the young ladies mind, because of Bishme’s heroism, staying with her for over 5 hours and keeping her calm. His brave act played directly into the prevention of a great tragedy. Bishme was recognized by the Hospital and is going to be awarded, in the month of June, their highest recognition they bestow upon employees who go above and beyond in changing people’s lives and preventing tragic outcomes.
Nominated by: Tamer Shaban, SVP