Marefia Mekasha
West Coast Rock Star of the Month | April 2022
Houston, TX
I am nominating Marefia Mekasha -we call her Mar -for her contribution to our team and the extra effort she puts into her daily responsibilities to ensure a smooth operation.
Mar works as a supervisor in the Tundra garage, primarily used for Toyota Center (home of the Houston Rockets) events, and in Avenida Central garage, mainly used for George R. Brown Convention Center and Discovery Green Park events.
Her flexibility and willingness to help not only in her area of responsibility but also in the entire Houston First portfolio always exceeds my expectations. I also appreciate that she has stayed dedicated to her job and team even during the difficult time of the pandemic.
As an event driven parking properties, the garages in the HFC portfolio require extreme flexibility, working on weekends, holidays, early morning and late night shifts and often times it could be challenging. But, every time Mar comes to work, she always brings in her super positive attitude and tons of energy.
She is always friendly and with her customers, coworkers and managers. One can always see her beautiful smile whether she works super early in the morning or late at night. Mar goes above and beyond to help customers while and coworkers at the same time enforces company rules and regulations.
Her loyalty and dedications to her job makes her look like she owns the company.
Submitted by Tekie Goitom, Account Manager