Yucely Thomas
West Coast & National Leader of the Month | February 2021
Area Manager, Southwest Region
Yucely Thomas, not only being loyal and hardworking she demonstrates courage and strength each day. As most people, navigating COVID 19 has been a challenge for everyone, both personally and professionally. Yucely has taken this challenge head on. She has had to wear the hat of both manager and area manager for several of her locations. She has continued to provide excellent service to these clients, putting in the extra time and effort to accomplish any tasks asked of her. Sometimes that is alerting the client of all changes in billings and revenue collection so the client has a clear understanding of the revenue flow they will receive that month to running over and fixing a broken gate when someone has run it over to not pay. She does all this without batting an eye.
Recently, Propark was awarded a location with only 1 weeks’ notice. In that week, Yucely interviewed and hired the staff, got signage, petty cash, uniforms, setup the employees in Kronos and was ready to go on day one!
Through these difficult times, Yucely has managed to keep her integrity and enthusiasm in all she does. Those qualities are so important in leading her team through these troubled waters. Her team is always there for her, willing to work and help in any way. That shows they respect her and trust her leadership.
One of her clients, Rosie Portugal at Trio Apartments, had this to say about Yucely recently:
I would like to take this opportunity to express how happy we have been with Yucely’ s operational performance at Trio Apartments. Her passion and hard work have transpired not only to myself but to ownership as well. Our goal is one of the same to make sure ownership is not only satisfied with our performance but know that we are doing our absolute best. Yucely has always been very responsive and is constantly thinking of ways to increase revenue. She does not shy away from any task whether it be picking up a spill in the garage or dealing with the most difficult client. As our supplier partner her performance as an onsite Manager has been exceptional in which I would highly recommend to my colleagues.
We feel extremely fortunate to have Yucely as a leader on our team out here in the Southwest. We couldn’t do it without her!
Submitted by Honor Miele